Key Terms

Key Terms

We're here to help, and we want yo to get the most value possible from out system.  To get the most enjoyment and benefits, there are some key terms you'll need to understand.

As you read through these terms, please take note that the basic 4 step flow is the same for Music, Messaging and Digital Signage.  That is by design to make UMix easy to know and understand.

UMix System

  1. Music Player - It's our proprietary music player software that is installed on every music device we ship.  It is installed in your business location and plays music and messages on your audio system.
  2. Signage Player - It's our proprietary signage player software that is installed on every signage player we ship.  It is installed in your business location and plays digital signage on your TV screens.
  3. UMix Website - It's the site where you manage your locations, users, music, messages and digital signage.


  1. Song - A song is in our system is simply an MP3.
  2. Playlist - A playlist is a list of songs.  We have Pro Playlists that we create and maintain, and you can create an unlimited number of custom, My Playlists
  3. Music Schedule - The music schedule is simply a weekly view of a calendar that contains one or more playlists you select.
  4. Music Program - The music program contains one or more music schedules.  The music program is what you assign to each of your music player locations on the Locations tab.


  1. Messages - A message is a pre-recorded MP3 that you upload into our system.
  2. Messages List - A message list is a list messages that you can schedule on a rotation as you please.
  3. Message Schedule - The message schedule is where you select and set the playback frequency of your message or message list.
  4. Message Campaign - The message campaign contains one or more message schedules.  The message campaign is what you assign to each location on the Locations tab.

Digital Signage

  1. Assets - Assets are the content (images and videos) that you upload to our system and that can be used in your digital signs.
  2. Presentations - Presentations combine your assets (images and videos) with any widgets (clock, counter still image, RSS, slideshow, test slider, or weather) you may choose to include and constitute the complete picture that's shown on your display.
  3. Signage Schedule - The signage schedule is simply a weekly view of a calendar that contains one or more presentations you select.
  4. Signage Program- The signage program contains one or more signage schedules.  The signage program is what you assign to each of your signage display locations on the Locations tab.

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