How to Write a Good Support Ticket

How to Write a Good Support Ticket

  A well-written support request will get your issue resolved faster and with fewer headaches.  Here are some tips to help you write a good support ticket:
  1. Follow the proper support channelSending a support request to Sales, or leaving a message with Accounting will only slow things down, and your issue may get overlooked completely.
  2. Write a good subject.  A good subject summarizes your detailed description.  We recommend you write it after you write the description.
  3. Take initiative up front to eliminate issues on your side that may be causing issues.  This one is most important.  Our solutions section goes into more details to help on that.  Checking the location's log in your account and plugging earbuds in the player to see if you hear anything are great places to start.
  4. Tell us the issue and what you did to eliminate issues on your side and narrow your query to something we can be of help with.  

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